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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. You cannot log in to Recover & Refuel without a TeamSnap account.

No. It just uses TeamSnap's APIs.

You don't actually have a Recover & Refuel user name or password since you sign in with your TeamSnap user name and password. Therefore, visit for any password related issues.

If you are alleric to a particluar food item, DO NOT EAT/DRINK It. Swap it for another item or add your own.

If you are lactose intolerant do not cosume any dairy. Swap the dairy items for another item or add your own (i.e. SOY Milk).

No. Chocolate Milk is the only item that cannot be swapped. If you are lactose intolerant do not cosume any dairy. Instead drink a sports drink after your match.

Recover & Refuel is $1.99 per month for coaches/managers.

Recover & Refuel is only $1.99 per month no matter how many teams you have.

Recover & Refuel is FREE for parents/players.

First, make sure you have alerts and notifications turned on within the Recover & Refuel application and/or web site. Second, make sure notifications are turned on under your smart phone settings.

Third, be sure to log in to Recover & Refuel application each day to “activate� it. It's a known 'feature' that a coach/player must log in to the app to activiate alerts and notifications.

Yes. Coaches may do so under menu item "coach/manager" and players can do so under "player preferences".

If a player adds an item the coach can 1) turn it off for just that player, 2) leave it as is just for that Player or 3) add it for the whole team to receive. As a coach you can turn off any item for the whole team (except post game chocolate milk).

"One Serving" equals one cup. Future versions of Recover & Refuel will have the ability to make specific amount recommendations based on age, gender, height and weight.

While we don't offer refunds, you can cancel your subscription at any time.

There are several reasons as to why your food items may not be showing up. 1) Your coach may have removed them 2) You may have turned them off under Food Preferences 3) Recover & Refuel may remove food items if deemed them nutritionally inappropriate or distastfull.